Tales from Mexico to be screened after the Awards Ceremony

After the Awards Ceremony tonight, the FIC Monterrey will screen Tales from Mexico, an omnibus film made up of eight short films directed by Carlos Carrera, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Carlos Bolado, Ernesto Contreras, Alfonso Pineda-Ulloa, Alejandro Valle, Iván Ávila, Natalia Beristáin.

Alejandro Valle, one of the eight directors involved, said that the film is a denounce about violence at different times in Mexican history: «… the whole film is a denounce. It is a reiterated protest against the history of Mexico and against all the social, class, racial violence and it is also a protest against ourselves”, he said.

Paulette Hernández, an actress who participates in the first episode of the film, which focuses on the Porfiriato, emphasized that art is something that stands out in the film, since in this work the actors are not the protagonists, but the same room in which all the facts are developed.

The room will be screened Wednesday, August 30, after the Awards Ceremony at the Theater of the Center for the Arts.

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